Another thing that UBC has that PA never had: a beautiful mountain and ocean view. On a nice day like this, it is absolutely breathtaking. I officially found my favourite place in UBC. On the ledge overlooking the rose garden, the mountains and the ocean. It's just me. I just need alone time right now.
The sea looks so calm from here, but I know that if I was really sailing those seas, it'd be a rocky and tumultuous ride. That's the kind of facade the sea puts on. Nothing is what it seems. Nothing seems like it's that difficult until it hits you like breakers on the jagged edges of cliffs. The funny thing is, you'll never get to the other side unless u steer through those storms. Steer through it, not around.
An old lady just came. She's been here for a while now, just staring out into the ocean. Oh, and she's humming. Several people have come and gone. Sometimes I wonder what each person is going through right now. What makes them happy, sad, loved? Even though we're all going through different things, we can all come here and enjoy the view. No man owns nature. That's the beauty of it. We all have our struggles, but nothing's too big to handle. I know this because nothing is too big for the Creator who intricately made the vast oceans, grand skies and towering mountains.
It's getting cold. Gotta head to class.
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