I always thought I was kind of a tough girl, but I've realized that I really can't do everything alone. I guess I knew that I could always come back to family. I'd go out and explore by myself, but in the back of my mind, I knew that if I failed, they would always take me back with open arms. That's unconditional love. I realized that I really enjoy family dinners. I watch as a my 7.5 year old cousin watch us with her observant gaze. While I want to take care of every minute detail for her, I also realize she just wants to be part of the group, to be treated like the rest of us because she's not a baby anymore. This helps me understand how hard it must be for parents to learn to let go of their kids. I know she gets frustrated when you try to help her with everything. If only you'd let go a little and let her try it herself, you'd see that she's very capable of doing a lot of things by herself now. Kids need guidance, but they don't need to be spoon-fed everything. Just let them observe. Give them space to explore, discover and learn.
It's hard to imagine the 3 of us are all grown up now. Our lives are more complicated than when we used to play pretend-school and all I was concerned about was getting that stupid lamb stamp. We've come a long way from those kids.
I don't see my little cousin very often, but family is family. You know that, no matter what, you'll always love them.
And so, this weekend I went home on a Friday night, had dinner with family and realized that right now, I have everything I need right here.
If you're reading this, it's time to let your family know you love them.
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