And now it's almost over. I'm ready for it to be over. Let's put a period on this school year. It's been fun and I've learnt a lot, both academically and not, but I'm ready to move on. That's just me though. I'm always anticipating the next chapter, the next adventure, the next open door. I can't wait to fill my albums with unforgettable memories.
I used to think that, in life, we move in units. By this, I mean I used to think that I'd have the same friends forever, that I'd only add to those numbers, but now I've come to realize that as much as I miss some people in my life, I know we had our time. I realized that in that moment, that year, we needed each other, but not everyone is meant to stay forever. And that's okay.
I'm grateful for all the people that have been in my life, however short amount of time.
I know you. You don't say what you mean because you're scared. Well, don't be. It's okay. It really is. I know what you mean.
One day, whether we're all "successful" or not, we'll look back on these days and wonder why we ever took things so seriously.
So, here's to the unspoken words, the comfortable silences, and the inside jokes. My friends, I promise you, we'll make it.
"Don't you wanna stay here a little while. Don't you wanna hold each other tight, don't you wanna fall asleep with me tonight. Don't you wanna stay here a little while. We can make forever feel this way. Don't you wanna stay?"
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