I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW. I just feel so sad, disappointed and angry at the people that are destroying our beautiful city. I just want all of you to know that this is a small group of brainless idiots that are committing these acts and it doesn't no represent the rest of Vancouver at all. It just makes me so sad that the one thing that brought us together is turning on us now: people are beating each other up, burning cars, attacking police, smashing store windows and looting. I can't believe this. It boggles my mind that these Canuck "fans" are destroying the city. You don't deserve to be a Canuck fan because you're not. If you were a real Canuck fan, you would be happy that the Canucks made it this far. Yes, we lost the Cup, but there is no justification for these criminal acts. This is embarrassing, disgraceful, and disgusting. I was down there at Georgia and Hamilton for the game, and am so glad I left before the riots took a spin for the worst.
Everyone, go home!! People are looting London drugs and taking umbrellas and whatever they can grab. Really? You're going to risk your lives to steal umbrellas. Classy, really classy. I feel so sorry for the people that have been injured from this. I didn't think we'd have a repeat of the '94 incident, but boy am I disappointed.
Pray for those that are still there. And to the idiots causing the riots? Grow a brain, and while you're at it, grow some balls too and man up. Vancouver deserves more respect than this.
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