Thursday, January 29, 2009

Treasure your friends

dear pc,

I don't think it's coincidence that we meet the people we meet, and are friends with the people we're friends with. I honestly think that it happens for a reason, and the people in our lives are there to teach us something. Maybe they're encouragers, and uplift you every day, or maybe, they end up betraying you, but teach you to be wiser in the next relationship.
All my friends are different, and I go to them for different reasons. Some I go to when I want to have fun, some are study buddies, and some I confide in. It's amazing that we're all so different, yet we all get along, because friends are people that accept you despite your differences.
Sometimes, I just want someone to listen. I may not want your advice, I just need you there, for moral support. At times, I want you to give me an honest opinion, or maybe, I just need a hug when I'm down.
A friend is someone that celebrates with you in good times. They're the ones holding an umbrella over your head when the world rains down on you.
Long-lasting friendships are hard to find, so when you do find someone worth confiding in, treasure them, and don't let go. You meet people every day, but it's not every day that you make a friend.
Patrick, I hope you're blessed with people that love you, and have your best interest at heart. Even though it's hard to find true friends, don't be afraid to trust people. Follow your heart, it always works=)


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