Sunday, June 21, 2009

summer bloggin', summer fallin', summer lovin'.& thank God it's summer

It's almost been a week since summer started, and boy am I glad it's summer. It's not even just that there's no school. I mean, that's a huge part of it, but it's just, the whole summer atmosphere is mesmerizing. I feel like summer is a time where there are no boundaries, and you can really live it out. So, a friend asked me what my take on love was, what the definition of love was. That's possibly the most complicated question, because love, how can you explain that in words? She was asking in terms of relationships, so I gave it a shot.
I think love is being committed to someone. I don't think it's about the lovey dovey stuff, I mean, when all that goes away, love is when you're still there for that person, to support them. Love is a promise, and it's more than how excited you get when you see them. When you truly love someone, I think it's a promise that you're giving your heart away, and you're not going to take it back.
I definitely don't think it's easy to find, but how can you deny it? Amidst the casual dating and relationships, it warms my heart to see couples that have grown old together. Even after so many years, he still looks at her like she's the most beautiful thing. That's love. When all they need is each other, and they're content with life, that's love.

Love among friends?
A good friend is there for you through thick and thin, and they hear all the things you don't say. They're the kind of people that build you up, and when you're down, keep you up. It's easy to be a friend that always says nice things, but it's those friends that will give you their honest opinion beacuse they love you and want the best for you, those are the friends to treasure for life. Friendship is a journey. Of course there are going to be bumps along the way, but if you can just plow through that, it really does make you stronger. Real friends will hold your hand through the toughest times, and won't run away.


Family. They love you unconditionally, and no matter what you do, they're the ones you can always turn to and know they're going to be there for you. Even though it seems like the closer you are to people, the more you take them for granted, it's important to know that no matter where you in your life, and no matter what you're going through, you can always go back to the them.

So, it's summer and I'm bloggin'. It's summer and I'm lovin'.
It's summer-take it easy, take it slow, and enjoy it.

xoxo_to this summer, and the rest of our lives (L)

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