Thursday, October 21, 2010

happy birthday PA

I just finished watching PA's 25th anniversary online. Although I feel like that chapter of my life has closed and I'm living another leaf of my life right now, a part of me still misses PA. I don't think I miss it in the sense that I want to go back. I mean, there is a time and season for everything, and I'm happy to be where I'm at right now in my life. I think what I miss is the memories that I had there. While I watched the primary kids sing worship songs, I couldn't help but smile and think, "hey, that was me 7 years ago." It all happened so fast: growing up, setting foundations, meeting my best friends. It all happened at PA. I can honestly say that almost everything I know and learnt, I learnt at PA. A part of me sometimes feels guilty for forgetting about PA. I wear my UBC hoodie, surrounded by new experiences and new friends, sometimes, I forget about the past. I forget about the people that helped shape my life, about the friends that helped me get to where I am today. I don't think we should forget about the past because every moment, whether happy or sad, has contributed in building us up to the people we are today. I'm so grateful to have been able to learn in such a great environment. It's hard to believe that I don't go to PA anymore. To the grads this year, treasure every moment you have because it'll be Jun, and before you know it, you'll be saying goodbye to high school.

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