Thursday, December 23, 2010

count to ten, take it in

2 days till christmas! It's been really great catching up with old friends. We're all going along our separate paths, dealing with our own issues and just trying to live life moment by moment. High school was, more or less, about figuring out who you are. In uni, we try to figure out who we'll be. We laugh at the possibilities of our peers getting engaged in a couple of years, going to grad school and getting jobs. It's hard to believe we graduated not too long ago, that some of our closest friends don't live 5 mins away anymore, that 3 months has given us a better idea of what we want in life.
I'm kind of excited for second semester. New year, new term, new start. I can't guarantee I won't make mistakes. Actually, I can guarantee you I will, but I never said I was striving for perfection anyway.
I have to say, this was a good year. Twenty ten. A year of endings and beginnings, of learning hard lessons and experiencing new things. Following the trend, it'll only get better from here. Pinky promise.
So why don't you come along for the ride, I'd appreciate the company.

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