Saturday, December 25, 2010

merry christmas

Tonight, I found out that my great grandmother was from Australia and that she barely knew how to speak Chinese. So, I may have some mixed blood in me after all ;) My 7 1/2 year old cousin seems all grown-up now. It's hard to believe 7 years has passed since she was born. Kids sure grow up fast these days. Apparently, she's already watching make-up tutorials on youtube and "practices" in front of the mirror already. When my little cousin is 16, I'll be 27 and my other cousins will be 33. That's.. kind of scary.

So happy I can just relax or the next two days. There is no way I'm going near a mall on boxing day. No, not this year.
Next thing to look forward to? Obviously seeing the rest of my friends and NYE!

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