Monday, June 29, 2009

2 memorable weeks

So it's been 2 weeks of summer already, and so much has already happened: hanging out with my friends, dinner with my cuba besties, seeing an old friend, confusing moments, girl talks, and so much more. When I expected this summer to be filled with unforgettable memories, 2 weeks has brought about a lot of things that I will definitely have in my mind for a while. I thought summer would be a time that would be so easy, and to a certain extent, it has been. I never thought summer would be a time where I'd have to stop and think. These 2 weeks have really gotten me thinking, and I'm not gonna lie, there are some mixed feelings goin' on. At the same time I'm trying to let go, I'm trying to hold on, and sometimes, it feels like we're all falling apart.
So, what IS summer about? Being true to yourself, loving whole-heartedly? I wish I could say I was doing those things, but I'm not sure I am.
Maybe I want you to forget me, so you can be happy again and do whatever you want.
Someone once said, "if you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, then it was meant to be." I'm trying to let go because I'm saving you to have to say things twice, and because you make me question myself and people I thought I trusted.
People change, and sometimes it can be a good thing. I see things in people I've never seen before, and those surprises have been good.
There have been a lot of good things this summer too. It feels good to just walk around downtown, eating out, going for walks, taking things slow, and laughing out loud.