Monday, February 2, 2009

lessons from A to Z

Aim high, don't be afraid of failing. You only fail if you fail to try.
Bolt at opportunity, because you never know when the next one will come around.
Confidence is key. Just believe and you'll be halfway there.
Dare to live your life. to the fullest.
Embrace who you are and focus on your strengths.
Fight for what you believe in, and stay true to yourself.
Go for gold.
Humble yourself, because the best are those that can accept and cherish others' talents.
Initiate plans, don't wait for someone else to do it.
Joyful spirits uplift the heart.
Keep your values and morals at heart; you'll need them when faced with difficult situations.
Love with all your heart
Meet new people and broaden your perspective about life.
Never give up. You can do it.
Occupy your mind with positive thoughts, it'll become part of you.
Prioritize your time, because there's only so much you can do.
Question what's indoctrinated to you and be firm about where you stand.
Respect your elders=)
Shoot for the moon, cause even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
Trust yourself and others; you might be surprised
Use your talents, they're gifts from above
Vent when you need to, don't keep it all inside. People that love you will understand.
Wait for someone that's worth it.
Xtra (i cheated on this one) Go the distance and do the extra.
Yes you can=)
Zealous for life

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