Sunday, February 8, 2009

When dreams come true...

So I finally got to meet him today- Patrick, of course. It was amazing and indescribable. I don't know what has gotten into me, but this better stop soon or I'm going to go crazy. Either that or I'll drive my friends nuts first=P I can't help it though.
When he came onto the rink, I just couldn't take my eyes off him. I didn't want to miss a single second. That was hard to manage, as I tried to film and take pictures and watch and scramble around with binoculars at the same time, but being a girl, I am pretty good with the whole multi-tasking thing. I was so scared and nervous and nauseous for him, I even joked to my friend, "I'm more nervous for him right now than I was for my english oral," and believe me, no joke, I almost keeled over at that.
Wow and when he was doing his victory skate around the ice, I ran all the way around to the other side of the rink, where I thought he would leave, but apparently he chose another side, so I ran back to that spot and then totally lost any etiquette thereafter. I pretty much climbed chairs, even walls, dodged people, and made a totally fool out of myself before I got close. But I finally made it, and it was all worth it. Even though Patrick had to go, I yelled his name, he turned around, and I asked for his autograph, but he was really apologetic and nice about it, but he said he was sorry and had to go. It was a brief moment, but I still count it as talking to him since I said something and he said something.
It's really his personality that shines through and that's what is so mesmerizing. He's talented, dedicated, friendly, cheerful... I'm not gonna list the rest. The list goes on forever. I would go back to the Exhibtion Gala tomorrow, but I can't. I'll just have to be patient and wait for the next time he comes, which will seem like forever.
Anyhow, meeting him was the among the best moments of my life, and believe me, I am very blessed. I'm sure this will keep me happy for a while. Hopefully long enough until his next visit=)

Love you Patrick,