Tuesday, November 2, 2010

i believe in forever

It feels so good to be connected with you guys again. I feel like we're leading different lives, but that's the exciting part about it, that we can share those different experiences with each other. I love that you guys can come to me with your problems, even if I should really finish reading Shakespeare. It's great to know that our friendships have lasted beyond the boundaries of high school. I miss those hugs every day in the morning, the study blocks, cramming sessions, timmy's donut breaks... I miss everything. When you cry, I just want to hug you and tell you that things are going to be okay, and I truly mean it. The only thing I can do is listen and do the best I can to give you good advice. I'm experiencing these things too. We're never too old to grow up because we're constantly learning. "Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood." Things are going to be okay, trust me on this one, okay?
Just remember, hakuna matata.

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