Sunday, November 7, 2010

no regrets. just love

because none of it was ever worth the risk.. right?

sundayy morninggg. OK, not quite morning anymore, considering it's 12:30, but it still feels rather early to me. It's sunny right now, kinda just want to go for a drive and clear my head. It's kinda a chilly morning, one of those brrr-it's-almost-winter kind of days. These are the perfect days to be wrapped up in a blanket or big wool sweater with a black coffee.
You know what I love? I love being spontaneous. I like getting lost and having to find my way. I like not knowing where the next moment is going to take me. I like ditching the map and just going exploring.
Because those are the adventures that you can't predict. When you don't know what to expect at all, you'll definitely be surprised.
Today, when I finished going over my student's festival songs, Joanna just started playing Hallelujah. I taught her that song a couple weeks ago, and now she already knows it by heart. I just let her play as I sat listening. Then, I just ended up singing along. It was actually a lot of fun. We started talking about all the songs we liked, and it didn't take too long for me to realize that she loved all the songs I loved too. I whipped out my laptop and we started going through my iTunes. We got so excited, breaking out in song. Like A G6, Just The Way You Are, Just A Dream, 2012...I knew then that I couldn't give it up. I just couldn't. Deep down, I knew I never wanted to.
I am so happy that music is a big part of her life now, that she can play for her own enjoyment and share this with other people. Music is so powerful and that's what life is about, finding a passion that transcends the mundane routines of life. I have no idea what it's like to be a parent, but I know that watching someone grow up and change is so amazing. I don't want to change the world, nor can I, I just want to make someone's day, make someone smile and show them that even though life has its ups and downs, there is so much to be happy about.

Be the person you aspire to be.
No regrets.
Just love.

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