Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I know I'm supposed to be writing my paper, but I'm almost done anywayyy so I guess I deserve a mini break, though I do have to stop giving myself these breaks that last longer than the working times :S
But for now, time to let some fresh air in and blast some music :)

Fate. I believe everything happens for a reason. Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if some events hadn't happened, or if I hadn't met certain people.
I guess today was a pretty good day. I was walking to psyc this morning, and this random old prof-like man came up to me and asked me what class I had. I had to think about it for a second, then I told him I had psyc. Then, he just said good luck, smiled and walked away. My initial reaction was pretty much: huh? random much? But then it really did start my day right. I know it SOUNDS creepy, and I guess it was borderline creepy, but he sounded really genuine. I appreciate when people go out of the way to make people's days. I know I always say this, but somehow, the little things really do make me happy. Sometimes, it's just a hug. It can be an i-miss-you, and sometimes, it may be so small that others may not notice it. But I notice.
I feel incredibly blessed to have had my days "made" this year. It's a little unfair. Why do I seriously have the most amazing people in my life?

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