Thursday, November 25, 2010



"I really want starbucks right now."
"Ya, right now."
"Okay, let's go."
"What? really?"

So, being superrr smart, I completely forgot to get decaf anddd got a venti gingerbread latte. Oops. And we also got pizza...feeling superr healthy right now :P I kinda love these spontaneous outings, oh and skyping for a record 8.5 hrs. Okay, okay, i took a nap while skyping and left it on while i was out, but it still counts! But tomorrow I'm definitely going to be healthy. Getting up early to hit the gym with my bestiee:) I don't know if I'm just excited to go gyming or if the caffeine's just getting to me right now. I somehow don't think the giddiness is normal at this hour.
I like it when we talk about our pasts, and futures, fears, failures, and grand plans for the future. The 10 minute breaks always turn into hr long conversations. We fall asleep skyping and never get tired of talking about the same things over and over again.

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