Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hyperventilating much?

Dear Patrick,

Wow today was definitely hectic, and stressful. As if doing the french final oral wasn't bad enough, I had to start hyperventilating, literally. Actually, I didn't even know I really had symptons of hyperventilating until my french teacher told me. That's when you know it's bad.
Amidst all this though, I realized that I have family that supports me, and friends to encourage me. Even though it seems like I was too absorbed with practicing french to notice everyone else around me, I did, and I'm really thankful that they were there to support me. I really feel like my whole IB class, we're here for each other.
I learned a lesson today too. God was asking me, through my hyperventilating moments, if I trusted Him. I thought yes, but there was always a "but" something in there. I think I finally figured it out when I went in the room that, I'm well prepared, my friends are praying for me, and God is on my side. I just had to trust, and REALLY trust, that He would get me through. I know people were praying for me when I was doing it, because I felt it. I felt it when I started, that all of a sudden, I was confident and I had the strength to do it.
Patrick, trust and put your strength in God. In times where you feel your knees grow weak and you can't do it anymore, trust Him, because He is a constant, and He'll always get you through.


1 comment:

  1. Hello Tiffany.

    I came across your blog while doing research on Patrick Chan's background - I'm a reporter - and I found the blog lovely.

    I also read you tried to get a autograph from him, but didn't have the chance. I told him today about you and your website, and I got an autograph for you. Hmm, I know it's kinda strange for me to pop up and offer help, but it feels like a nice thing to do.

    Contact me if you want the autograph. email:

